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When we get to an old property and we start walking over the house we get the chills. Sometimes we think the floor might beak down and we might find a faster way to the house's basement or crawl space, it's scary, like them horror movies. Old houses have roofing damages and when we get those KCKSMO storms resembling " The Flood" water get everywhere which causes damage to the wood and rots it, causing the framing that holds the floor to get real weak as a sponge, and you find yourself walking on the mercy of God.  So when we find those houses regularly owners ask for a quick fix to save some money and hire some people to "make the floor look ok", and they just install the floor on top of rotten wood, and then we get the call from an angry customer, asking for help. Once we arrived to the property we had to tear the whole new epensive flooring, new floor is wasted, and homeowners have to pay double. We've seen it happening several times, sometimes you pay more, but with us you make sure that you'll be walking safely. We demolish the whole flooring structure, install new beams, put the thick plywood flooring, hardley boards on top, and the the tiled, vinyl or other kind of floor.

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